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contoh kalimat cost of fuel

"cost of fuel" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The cost of fuel for rented machines in Macau
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk mesin sewaan di Macau
  • The cost of fuel for cars, rent in Dresden
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk mobil, sewa di Dresden
  • The cost of fuel for cars rented in Indonesia
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk mobil sewaan di Indonesia
  • The cost of fuel for vehicles leased in Washington
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk kendaraan yang disewakan di Washington
  • The cost of fuel for the rental car in Leipzig
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk sewa mobil di Leipzig
  • The cost of fuel at the rental car in Varna
    Biaya bahan bakar di mobil sewaan di Varna
  • The cost of fuel for the rented car in Davos
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk mobil sewaan di Davos
  • The cost of fuelThe average cost of fuel in different countries
    Biaya bahan bakarBiaya rata-rata bahan bakar di berbagai negara
  • The cost of fuel for the rented car on about. Bali
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk mobil sewaan di sekitar. Bali
  • The cost of fuel per liter on average, equal to one pound.
    Biaya bahan bakar per liter rata-rata, sama dengan satu pon.
  • The cost of fuel in Paris – Calculate the cost of leased cars.
    Biaya bahan bakar di Paris – Hitung biaya mobil sewaan.
  • The cost of fuel - information for tenants Car in South Africa
    Biaya bahan bakar - informasi untuk penyewa mobil di Afrika Selatan
  • The cost of fuel - useful information for tenants machines in Kenya
    Biaya bahan bakar - informasi yang berguna untuk mesin penyewa di Kenya
  • By October 2005 and after two price hikes, the cost of fuel increased by 126%.
    Pada Oktober 2005, setelah dua kali dinaikkan, harga BBM meningkat sebesar 126%.
  • Fuel Manager Pro will help control the cost of fuel and know when they have exceeded the budget.
    Fuel Manager Pro akan membantu mengendalikan biaya bahan bakar dan tahu kapan mereka telah melebihi anggaran.
  • 10.3 The cost of fuel is not included in the amount of the rental. We will refuel all VEHICLES on return of the VEHICLE to US.
    10.3 Biaya bahan bakar tidak termasuk dalam tarif sewa.
  • The above Tariff is subject to proportionate exclamation in the event of hike on cost of Fuel or Govt. Tax components.
    Tarif di atas dikenakan seruan proporsional jika terjadi kenaikan biaya Bahan Bakar Minyak atau Pemerintah. Komponen pajak.
  • The cost of fuel for vehicles on about. Bali fixed, the same for all gas stations, no matter where they are located.
    Biaya bahan bakar untuk kendaraan di sekitar. Bali tetap, sama untuk semua pompa bensin, di mana pun mereka berada.
  • Bakrie argued the government's need to gradually increase fuel prices to keep fuel subsidies from busting its budget, while bringing the cost of fuel closer to international levels.
    Bakrie meyakini bahwa pemerintah perlu meningkatkan harga BBM secara perlahan agar subsidi BBM tidak membebani APBN sementara mendekatkan harga BBM dengan harga internasional.
  • However, the high cost of fuel needed to heat the water made the process uneconomic until the 1901 discovery of the Spindletop oil field in Texas provided cheap fuel oil to the region.
    Namun, biaya bahan bakar untuk memanaskan air pada masa itu masih terlalu mahal, dan proses ini baru menjadi murah pada tahun 1901 setelah penemuan ladang minyak Spindletop di Texas yang menjadi sumber bahan bakar murah.
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